Wednesday, July 14, 2010

If Sadness struck Yourself

American oncologist who wrote the book Healing Essence, through his experience with patients, to find something natural forces within each person that need to be "opened" to help his recovery. Power is actually a self-awareness of our deepest, the core identity. We can heal with a touch of sadness back through the core identity.

The following seven steps is "thoughtful attitude" that is designed to help you with a way to feel, receive, release the sad feelings of a bad experience in your life. Spend about 10 minutes to half an hour to contemplate the events of the past.

Before you begin, sit comfortably in a chair. Should select a quiet place. Close your eyes for two or three minutes. Breathing in three kali. Take a deep breath deeply into the abdomen can kalu "content" full as possible. Slowly exhale nafas.Pusatkan your attention on each breath, then come back two or three minutes of breathing with concentration, without needing to be controlled.

Now you go in the stage of concentration, let your eyes closed. Give yourself a chance to reflect on each of the questions that arise.

1. FEEL your sadness. Relax for a minute and then say to yourself, "I want to feel this grief." Give attention to your body. In the section where you feel sorrow? Give a precise location, shape, size, color, temperature.

2. Take a look and precise consequences of that sad event. See also the trauma that lain.Pusatkan your thoughts on the power to melepaskankesedihan TSB and try to change your attitude.

3. Give all to the Almighty. Pasrahkan all feeling sad, hurt, loneliness emerges. Experience and feel the sadness entirely possible. Attitudes like this lets you load becomes detached.

4. See that our tendency, often running away from sadness. Focus of attention and the feeling that you are able to experience and heal the sadness. Process as above can help you more trust.

5. Nourish your core identity. Imagine the strength of your core identity. Imagine the power of your core identity that is united with the power of the universe.

6. Create a condition that you have been free from sadness. Ask yourself why you are sad. Then imagine a "door" where the core of your identity to flow inside. Through this door all the negative feelings you have for this can be excluded.

7. Implement a situation that you want to remove all the sadness. Tell yourself that you choose to have what you deserve to have that peace, harmony and free from sorrow.